J.S.Sandhu, Directors of ICAR Institutes Dr. On this occasion, Member of Parliament Sh. Arun Kumar, Director, highlighted the significant achievements of the institute in recent years especially, development of miracle sheep breed “Avishan”,Sheep Meat and Milk products, Wool and woolen value added products, Milk replacer, Avikhad etc. B.N.Tripathi, also witnessed the occasion and he appreciated the research carried out by CSWRI for enhancing the production of sheep, goat and rabbit. Further, he appreciated the contribution of ICAR in making country self-sufficient in food and animal production, especially, institute like CSWRI that engaged in helping poor and downward class of the society who has limited resources and land. In this context he expressed that sheep and goat husbandry can play a vital role especially in dry areas to upliftment of socio-economic status of farmers.

On this occasion, Hon’ble chief guest Shri Kailash Choudhary stressed upon the PM’s dream of doubling the farmers’ income by 2022 and emphasized for adopting new and innovative technologies developed by CSWRI and other ICAR Institute/Universities. Progressive Farmers, women, artisans, sheep rearers, agriculture and veterinary students from different parts of the state, participated enthusiastically in the event. Honorable Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Kailash Choudhary inaugurated ‘Institute Diamond Jubilee Year Celebration and Farmer Fair’ on 4 th January, 2022 at CSWRI, Avikanagar. Selected candidate for Training NSDTP 2023
Central sheep breeding farm manual#
Central sheep breeding farm update#
Employment News’, a flagship weekly job journal of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, provides the latest update on job vacancies, job-oriented training programs, admission notices for the premier organizations in the country such as LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, National Institute of Design, Central Sheep Breeding Farm, RITES Limited, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, and Indian Bank.